Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

Don’t Break The Chain Ain’t for Everyone

Katt Kennedy
2 min readNov 9, 2021


OK. I’m taking a quick minute to talk about Imposter Syndrome and the relationship to the Don’t Break The Chain Method, because there’s some bullshit stress that’s not needed.

The Don’t Break the Chain method is the idea that you practice at least a little bit, every day, and do at least something. Then, you put down an X on your calendar or bullet journal or what have you. As you continue your improvement journey, you’ll start to feel the pressure to not break the chain, because look at how far you’ve come! Look at that chain!

That chain is also a convenient tool to self-flagellate with if you’re suffering from any kind of anxiety or Imposter Syndrome*.

I’m just going to throw this out there, for other folk out there who are on the anxious/perfectionist/recovering-child-prodigy spectrum:

You don’t need to hone your craft every day.

You don’t need to practice every skill every day. It’s ok to need breaks.

It’s ok to put things to the side for a second and then pick them back up again.

A need for rest doesn’t make you less than others.

This is particularly coming to mind because it’s NaNoWriMo season. Because of that, 1) you’re not going to see as many posts here for a hot second, and 2) I’m seeing burn out starting amongst creatives because they’ve started missing days.

I’m taking a second, right now, to remind you the important thing is progress. The core idea of the Chain is to try for a little progress often. Don’t worry about perfect consistency, try for more consistency. More action. More of whatever makes your heart sing because you’re doing your thing.

You are not an imposter if you can’t keep a chain going because your kid got sick or your chronic illness flared up or life just generally sucked outlandishly badly today and you biffed it. You’re ok, and you’re going to keep getting better.

The voice of bravery is not a battle cry. It is a quiet voice that says, I shall try again tomorrow.

Be good to yourself, and rock thee onwards.

*I get it, this works for some people. If Don’t Break The Chain is what you need to get moving, rock on! If missing a day makes you feel guilty, then you miss another day because you feel awful… stop. Breathe. Try again.

